Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am January 3, 2012 veröffentlicht.
  • Added support for using the Mobile Web Client with the Amazon Silk mobile browser (Kindle Fire).
  • Changed the tray applications "Display Notifications" to apply to only Serv-U's notifications not events. Events are now shown regardless of this option.
  • Improved Web Client Pro's launch confirmation dialog to make it easier to understand.
  • Corrected a bug, discovered in-house, where an old administrative session could potentially cause Serv-U to crash after a Serv-U restart.
  • Corrected an HTTP Windows Authentication bug where the login would not complete and appear to hang.
  • Corrected an FTP download bug where the compressed and uncompressed totals returned in the "226 Transfer complete..." response was incomplete. This problem usually only occurred after transferring a file locally (localhost,, or ::1).
  • Corrected an FTP upload bug where the compressed total returned in the "226 Transfer complete..." response incomplete, usually by 2 bytes.
  • Corrected a rename bug, introduced in, where renaming a file within the same parent directory required write permission in the parent directory.
  • Corrected a database mapping bug where using non-default values for tables, would cause the loss of the search attribute rending the table unavailable.
  • Corrected a Mobile Web Client bug where the URL address bar was not scrolling out of view when previewing images.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Spy Chat" session information would overflow the dialog when the location path was very long.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where a JavaScript error could occur on the "Server Details" page when a registration Id becomes expired.